What people say about me.

Over the years, the people that I have met through business or my personal life have helped me become the man I am today. Many of those people I grew a personal relationship with which formed into a professional relationship, others started out professional and we have now formed life long friendships. 

Regardless, I have asked for a few references from people who know me maybe as good as I know myself.

    Senior Superintendent - Melchor

    I first entered John ‘zone of influence’ in the early 2000’s. Initially, our relationship was built on a professional basis. As a contractor to John’s very successful construction company, I was managed accordingly. Throughout this phase I learned that John was a business man; that’s point of difference was a yearning for continual improvement and intolerance for inefficiency. Needless to say this would set the tone for our developing relationship, and would ensure I was dragged along the journey, albeit willingly.

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    General Manager (Operations) - Melchor

    We have always had a strong relationship and thrived on a healthy amount of competitiveness and a desire to be better. John has a natural leadership style that encourages you to be better and do better. Although we have both pursued new opportunities and no longer work together directly, I regularly use John as a sounding board and mentor. John is sharp, has good advice and he always has time to listen.

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    Director - Quash

    I became John's first employee some years later and helped begin the construction dominance of Fremantle Constructions. Although I finished with Fremantle in 2008, we have been mates ever since.

    During this time I have witnessed the evolution of an amazing human.

    From the early days of stressing about cash flow with incredibly late nights and weeks of worry to today and his financial freedom. But there is so much more to John than many people realise.

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  • Chris King
    Capital Partners Consulting - Director

    I have known John Schulz since 2015. Our initial relationship was in a professional capacity which still continues today. I would consider we also have a close personal friendship.

    By all measures John has been incredibly successful in business as a result of his vision, commitment and leadership of his team. His business Fremantle Constructions is evidence of his success, both in financial and non-financial terms. His entrepreneurial thinking, drive, hard work and commitment to deliver are foundations of this success.

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